Tobacco and You
African Americans
70% of African Americans who smoke say they want to quit. That’s more than nearly every other group of people who smoke. When you decide to quit, the Quitline is here to help.
Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders
Tobacco use is the #1 cause of preventable disease, disability and death for Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders
American Indians/Alaskan Natives
Commercial tobacco use is the #1 cause of preventable disease, disability and death for American Indians/Alaskan Natives.
Tobacco use is the #1 cause of preventable disease, disability and death for Hispanics/Latinos.
People With Disabilities
People living with a physical, learning, or mental health disability, or vision or hearing loss are at higher risk of negative
health effects from tobacco use. The good news is that people with disabilities can and do quit! And, people who sign up for
Quitline help are more likely to quit for good than people who try to quit alone.
Pregnancy and Tobacco Use
Quitting smoking cigarettes can be hard, but is one of the best ways a woman can protect herself and her baby’s health. The good news is most women quit during pregnancy. Getting help can make the process easier and increase the chance of quitting successfully.
Teens and Tweens
Knowing the facts about tobacco can help you make the right choice for you.
Join Our Program At Anytime
It only takes five minutes to start a new chapter in your quitting journey
Program FAQs
Thinking about enrolling in the Quitline? Here are answers to common questions about cost, coaching and other aspects of the program.
The Quitline is free to participants. Your public health department, health plan or employer pays the program costs. If you choose to use nicotine quit medications, such as nicotine gum or patches, you may be eligible to receive 2 weeks or more for free. After that, there may be a cost for medication. When you enroll in the Quitline program, we'll help you work through these details.
You may be eligible to receive the first 2 weeks of quit medication for free. After that, you may be eligible for additional free quit medication through the Quitline based on your health plan and employer. Enroll in the program to learn more.
We offer an Online Only program with our website and other online materials. However, research shows people who use coaching are more likely to successfully quit. Completing even a few calls with a quit coach could make a difference for you. Learn more about the Quitline programs.
Enroll today—it’s easy and takes less than 5 minutes! You can enroll online, or if you'd like to speak to someone to get more information, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. You can use the Quitline more than one time, so there is no harm in enrolling as soon as you feel ready.